4 HAND Massage
If there’s anything that doubles the pleasure of a massage, it’s having two therapists massaging you simultaneously. More body area can be massaged in a more efficient manner providing greater relaxation.
The circulation of the body is greatly improved, and the effect of this massage is much higher.
You can choose one of our massage techniques with two therapists:
* Mirror-two therapists working on opposite sides of the same body
* Upper & Lower body-one therapist works on the top and the other on the lower part of your body.
* Reflexology & Body-one therapist to massage the body, while the other works reflexology (feet and hands).
* Special-therapist can adjust the massage to meet your needs. Please consult a therapist before themassage.
Minutes: 50 Price 6.600,00RSD
Minutes: 80 Price: 8.000,00RSD